Empowering Our Whistleblowers
Commissioned by the Right2Know Campaign, in 2013 ODAC did an extensive research investigation of the state of whistleblowing in South Africa. Arising from this research, we have developed the book "Empowering our Whistleblowers", a resource that not only provides insight into the whistleblowing environment, but also highlights lacuna's within the environment, as well as the steps necessary to take the whistleblowing agenda forward in South Africa.
The objective of the publication is to shed some light on what the risks for whistleblowers currently are, and in so doing try and figure out practical and political interventions that will create an enabling environment for whistleblowers to come forward.
The conclusion of the research is a 7-point Whistleblowing Test that can assess our whistleblowing enivornment moving forward. This can be summarised as:
- A Code of Good Practice is established to provide guidance to private and public bodies.
- A civil society whistleblowing network is established.
- Whistleblowers are actively encouraged to come forward through financial, private security, and other, incentives.
- The forums for whistleblowers are effectively implemented.
- All new laws passed support and encourage whistleblowers. Laws are consistent, clear and cohesive.
- Whistleblowers are protected from civil, criminal and administrative liability for legitimate public interest disclosures.
- The Protected Disclosures Act is amended for maximum benefit.
Download the full publication here.